MS-Word Shortcut Keys (Part I)

MS-Word Shortcut Keys :


Ctrl + A : Select All Contents in Document

Ctrl + B : Bold Selected Text

Ctrl + C : Copy Selected Text

Ctrl + D : Open Font Dialogue Box

Ctrl + E : Align Canter the Selected Text/Object

Ctrl + F : Find Text or Other Content in Documents / Open Navigation Pane

Ctrl + G : Go to Particular Page/Line/Section, Etc.

Ctrl + H : Open Replace Dialogue Box

Ctrl + I : Make Italic the Selected Text

Ctrl + J : Align Justify the Selected Paragraph

Ctrl + K : Hyperlink

Ctrl + L : Align Left the Selected Text/Object

Ctrl + M : Indent the Selected Paragraph

Ctrl + N : Opens New/Blank Document

Ctrl + O : Go to Open Option

Ctrl + P : Go to Print Option

Ctrl + Q : Align Left the Selected Text/Object

Ctrl + R : Align Right the Selected Text/Object

Ctrl + S : Save The Current Document

Ctrl + T : Hangs Paragraph to The Next Tab Stop

Ctrl + U : Underline the Selected Text

Ctrl + V : Paste the Cut/Copied Text/Object

Ctrl + W : Close the Document

Ctrl + X : Cut the Selected Text/Object

Ctrl + Y : Redo the Step Performed

Ctrl + Z : Undo the Step Performed


Ctrl + 1 : Changes Line Spacing To 1 For Selected Lines

Ctrl + 2 : Changes Line Spacing to Double for Selected Lines

Ctrl + 5 : Changes Line Spacing To 1.5 For Selected Lines

Ctrl + 0 : Add/Remove Space Before Paragraph   

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