Augmented Reality...(AR)

About Augmented Reality...

Have you played a game Pokemon-Go ?
or have used Snapchat Lenses while photo-clicking ? These are some of the examples of 'Augmented Reality '.

Augmented Reality adds digital elements to a live view often by using a camera on a smartphone.

Here are photos of our students experiencing the Augmented Reality (AR).

It is one of the biggest technology trends right now & we can say that, in coming years, it will get bigger as AR ready smartphones and other devices become more accessible around the world.

Today, Computers & World Wide Web are offering unrivaled information at the press of a button, but inputs have been limited to desktop & keyboards.  But on the other hand, Smartphone cameras, GPS and Screens now offer real-time, location-specific information to a user.

In future, with wearable AR displays, we can see the information instantly right before our eyes. Data from our computer & Internet will become instantly accessible & view-able without having access to another device. The reality which we are seeing is improved & augmented, with additional visual information using projected images.

Today, many types of software can recognise faces by looking at the key points in the facial structure in order to identify the individual. Identification of people & objects is not the only use of AR.
The AR displays will take this technology one step further by integrating it with wearable glasses or contact lenses. As technology continues to shrink in size, the devices will be able to perform all the tasks of you smartphone.
In Future, 
  • You will be able to look at the sky and see information about today's weather.
  • Text message and incoming call notifications can appear in front of you.
  • Prices from various online stores will appear by the time you ask your friend, where he got that new T-shirt ?
  • Integrated GPS will display arrows in front of you and guide you as you walk through unfamiliar city-streets.
Although this technology will likely be available in the next few years, there are some challenges.
First we have the issue of powering the device because some devices are not large enough to include a battery capable of powering for all day. Another issue involves limitations of human vision; because our eyes find it difficult to focus on objects that are placed to very closed to them. Also, will these glasses or contact lenses be comfortable to wear all day? 
Researchers, many companies & universities are working on various AR displays and finding the solutions to fix the problems.

So, this is about an Augmented Reality...!!